Maintaining a healthy aquarium

             Water changes are important and so is cleaning the gravel.All the food that fish don't consume ends up in the gravel which can greatly increase nitrates in the aquarium and cause a lot of other problems.25 Foot - Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System takes care of both problems.It can help you change the water meaning you won't need a bucket, it will save you from all the hassle and mess that comes with changing the water through a bucket and the gravel tube can be used to clean the gravel.However, if you choose not to buy it, you will still need to clean the gravel.A lot of people who are new to this hobby often ignore the gravel cleaning part and that is a big mistake.You can use Genuine TERAPUMP Aquarium Gravel Cleaner and the Bucket. It will be a lot more work but if you like things the hard way then here you go.

Water conditioner
The tap water is not safe for the fish.The water conditioner can neutralize chlorine,chloramines and other heavy metals present in tap water.Personally i have always used Tetra Water Conditioner.

Water testing
It is important to monitor the quality of water to prevent the loss of fish and to protect the fish from factors which can greatly increase their stress and cause sickness.There are a lot of water testing kits available however the top two major ones are API FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT  and Tetra EasyStrips 6-in-1 Test Strips. I personally use Tetra Test strips because they are way faster, you will be done in 60 seconds while API Freshwater kit will require you to spend over 15 minutes.



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